Choose to see beauty each day

Choose to see beauty each day

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

eWomen Network rocks!

I just returned from attending my first eWomen Networking conference, and I testify to the power of the class!
Lisa Nichols, from The Secret, kept us mesmerized....

A few thoughts from her.....
"Play big and let everyone else get used to it"
Success is NON NEGOTIABLE....her point is, that when it is so powerfully phrased, we view things differently....
She also emphasized "There is nothing for you in the comfort zone."

Ck. her out on her website, and FB page, she is an inspiration to all who are blessed to cross her path.
I was able to gift Jack Canfield (author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles) one of my Yellow Roses of Texas prints, with a note of gratitude.
I have been teaching and sharing Jack's Success Principles with my classes and clients for years, and I wanted to extend a gratitude gift to him.

If you have any interest in networking with amazing women, from across the country, while learning, learning, learning..... I heartily
suggest you check out your local eWomen Network chapter..... feel free to use my name as your sponsor!
Blessings to all!