Can you do that? My blog, my universe, here we go....created this blog yesterday, wrote something quite elegant and eloquent....hahah, cant find the damn post to save my neck. Well, either waste hours being stupid on computer (shut up, Mitch) or just "do over"
The purpose of this blog is to introduce you to a new area of my life. The amazing world of Fine Art Photography, and my personal Persuit of Beauty....So, I've begun by posting a simple black and white image of a lucious magnolia blossom on Miss Helens tree, located in my yard, where my home studio was located.
After Hurricane Ike, and the fire, things really changed, literally overnight. Loss, gain, gain, loss, love, loss....change, change, change....Do Over....I am creating and offering photographic fine art prints for purchase, as well as pursuing my creativity in alterpapers, collage, pastels, and mixed mediums. I feel part of my lifes genuine purpose, is to be loving and kind, and to create images of beauty and healing.
Pricing and size options may be custom quoted for you. This lovely Magnolia image represents a pristine and elegant Southern Woman, who embraced the Universe and her magic.....
Any one who new and loved the Wise Queen of the Universe knows what this means....
I hope you will enjoy this moment of beauty....lets see, whats next????