Choose to see beauty each day

Choose to see beauty each day

Saturday, May 15, 2010

purple orchid

My friend and photographic artist, Lizbeth Guerrina has been on a "Quest for Beauty" for many years, and I'm beginning to understand the power and committment of her mission.
I am finding my own Persuit of Beauty is bringing a positive insight and outlook to my personal life....I want to share these images and ideas with you, through my visual journaling using photography, and other art mediums.
The image above, was created at my kitchen table, some little funky blue and purple orchids from the grocery store.... I spent a little quiet time observing, enjoying.
Then, the camera comes out. Again, feeling first, seeing next, composing, finessing, recomposing.
Push the button. Once. Check technicals on camera. If neccessary, another exposure.
One of my biggest campaigns in photography is to create an understanding that great photographic imagery is actually MADE and recorded through the CAMERA, not "taken" and not found and fixed in is created with an intention, and a purpose. There is an energy infused into the creation....I hope you will take a moment to enjoy the mood of this image, and as always, these images are available for purchase, and may be custom quoted.
A website is in the works, with e commerce to be offered.

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