Choose to see beauty each day

Choose to see beauty each day

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Countdown to California

Next week, I venture to California, to speak to a professional photographic association Tuesday night, on the business topic called "shooting portraits with intention". The purpose of the topic is to help photographers create more meaningful images for their clients, and to assist the photographers in a more efficient method of photography to help guide their clients through the process, resulting in a better method of "shooting", thus not overshooting, or praciticing on their clients. All this is to help educate and elevate photographers to a higher, more professional standard of image making and customer service.
My dear photo sister, Laura Cottrill, of Walnut Creek, will be hosting me, and we are going to attend the EWomen network luncheon on Wednesday. How much fun to network with sucessful business women in California. Our speaker that day is Sandra Yancy, founder of EWomen, and also from Texas.
Then, Thursday, I crank up the Citra Solv classes....hands on, mess making, playing, good for the soul kinda stuff. We will create abstracts, the students will get to take theirs home, and we'll also discuss incorporating the CS images into our photographic artpieces.
Looking forward to sharing, growing, learning, and making new friends....the stuff in life I enjoy most!

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